Problem to Debug


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I was using the Android emulator to test my apps, but it is very slow, I started using my smartphone, but I realized that many times the application is not updated. To resolve I uninstall the application and run the application again. Would have a better solution so that Android Studio always update the application?

  • Every time you make a change to the code, the app is supposed to be updated on your smartphone. I don’t know why it doesn’t happen to you.

  • try to disable "Instant run" File Settings Build, Execution, Deployment Instant Run and uncheck Enable Instant Run.

  • @Armandomarquessobrinho this does not solve, also step by that in Genymotion, I managed to bypass installing a plugin ADB unistall, when clicking the app is uninstalled, the next run may give error, but running again right, it is the best way to avoid going in the emulator and get uninstalled manually because the app is not removed/updated properly, it is annoying, but do what, if the Android team does not fix it, including already reported, so far nothing.

  • In my case, the problem is due to the library’s, as I am creating/testing, always run/run with a new version, but it is not updated, the solution is this above, at least for me relieved the stress of keeping removing the app manually.

  • but if it is the case, If nothing solves, you can also raise the own terminal of android studio and desisntalar via adb: $ adb uninstall minhaaplicacao.apk, resources exist

  • @Florida I can use this plugin ADB Unistall in Android Studio or only in Eclipse?

  • I know you have for Android Studio, maybe have for the eclipse, recommend using Android Studio, it’s all simpler with it.

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