Exception in removing the last element of Arraylist


Viewed 267 times


My Problem:

I have an Arraylist of an object that represents the number of lines in my Jtable, model class. well, all the other methods are working perfectly, the problem is the remove() I have no idea why is giving Exception when it comes to removing the last element of Arraylist. In the removal of the other element works, except the last, problem is the last.

The Exception:

Exception in thread "AWT-Eventqueue-0" java.lang.Indexoutofboundsexception: Index: 6, Size: 6

Which I don’t understand, because he informs me that index was, yes, and the right index. I tried several ways, index -1, and other changes in trying to find the reason and nothing, searched the internet and nothing too.

Code of the Jtable Model:

public class DisciplineModelTabel extends AbstractTableModel implements IEModelTable<Discipline> {

    private ArrayList<Discipline> rows;
    private Queue<Discipline> listRemoved;
    private String[] columns = new String[]{"ID", "Disciplinas"};

    private static final int COL_ID = 0;
    private static final int COL_NAME = 1;

     * Construtor: espera um objeto do tipo Discipline para 
     * instanciar a lista das Disciplinas.
     * @param disciplines - lista das disciplinas.
    public DisciplineModelTabel(ArrayList<Discipline> disciplines) {
        this.rows = new ArrayList<>(disciplines);
        listRemoved = new LinkedList<>();

     * Método que remove o ultimo elemento a entradar na fila.
    public void undoLastRemoved() {
        if(!listRemoved.isEmpty()) {
            Discipline discipline = listRemoved.poll();

     * Método adiciona o elemento retirado da Jtable
     * para guardar na fila de deletados, para recuperação.
    public void addLastRemoved(Discipline discipline){

     * Método que limpa a fila.
    public void clearlistRemoved() {

     * @return - True para fila cheia false para não.
    public boolean isEmptyList() {
        return listRemoved.isEmpty();

     * @return quantidade de linhas na tabela.
    public int getRowCount() {
        return this.rows.size();

     * @return quantidade de colunas na tabela.
    public int getColumnCount() {
        return this.columns.length;

     * Método que retorna os valores das linhas e colunas da tabela.
     * Instancia um objeto do tipo Disciplina e busca os valores de seus
     * atributos
     * @param rowIndex - Index da linha para retorno do valor.
     * @param columnIndex - Index da coluna para retorno do valor.
     * @return
    public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
        Discipline discipline = rows.get(rowIndex);

        if(columnIndex == COL_ID)
            return discipline.getId();
        else if (columnIndex == COL_NAME)
            return discipline.getName();

        return "";

     * retorna o valor da linha selecionada da JTable
     * retornando-o em um objeto.
     * @param aValue - o item selecionado.
     * @param rowIndex - index da linha do item da Jtable
     * @param column - coluna do item selecionado.
    public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int column) {
        Discipline discipline = rows.get(rowIndex);

        if (column == COL_ID)
            discipline.setId((Integer) aValue);
        else if (column == COL_NAME)

     * Método que retorna o nome da coluna.
     * @param columnIndex - o index da coluna
     * @return - o nome da coluna.
    public String getColumnName(int columnIndex) {
        return columns[columnIndex];

     * Método que retorna o tipo da coluna.
     * @return o tipo da coluna.
    public Class getColumnClass(int columnIndex) {
        if (columnIndex == COL_ID) {
            return Integer.class;
        return String.class;

     * Método que retonar o objeto de uma linha da JTable.
     * @param rowIndex - o index da linha selecionada.
     * @return O item (disciplina) da linha selecionada.
    public Discipline getDiscipline(int rowIndex) {
        return rows.get(rowIndex);

     * Método que adiciona uma elemento a Jtable e
     * atualizá-a para mostrar o elemento nela.
     * @param discipline - A entidade disciplina adicionada.
    public void addDiscipline(Discipline discipline) {
        int lastIndex = getRowCount() - 1;
        fireTableRowsInserted(lastIndex, lastIndex);


     * Método que altera um item na Jtable e 
     * atualiza para mostrar a alteração na entidade.
     * @param rowIndex - o index da linha selecionada para alteração
     * @param marca - entidade que vai ser alterada.
    public void update(int rowIndex, Discipline marca) {
        rows.set(rowIndex, marca);
        fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex);

     * Método que remove um item da JTable e também
     * atualizá-a removendo o item da JTable.
     * @param rowIndex - o index da linha do item que vai ser removido.
    public void remove(int rowIndex) {
        fireTableRowsDeleted(rowIndex, rowIndex);

    public String getArray() {
        String disciplines = "";

        for(int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) {
            disciplines += "index " + i + " nome: " + rows.get(i).getName() + "\n";
        return disciplines;

     * Método que habilida a edição na célula selecionada
     * @param rowIndex - linha selecionada.
     * @param columnIndex - coluna selecionada
     * @return retorna se Verdadeiro a célula pode ser editada falso para não.
    public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
        return false;

Event calling to run the process list:

btnOk.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            Thread performer = new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
            }, "Performer");

I am using Pattern Commands to create a process queue and run when the button OK is pressed. (queues.executeProcess).

Invoker code:

public class RemoveDiscipline implements IECommand {
    ControllerDiscipline controller;
    private int id;

    public RemoveDiscipline(int id){
        controller = new ControllerDiscipline();
        this.id = id;

    public void execute() {

process queues code:

public class QueuesProcess {
    private Queue<IECommand> process;

    public QueuesProcess() {
        process = new LinkedList();

    public void addProcess(IECommand process) {

    public void removeProcess(IECommand process) {

    public void clearQueues() {

    public void executeProcess() {
        for(IECommand command : this.process)


The problem shoots in the line of Rows.remove(rowIndex);

  • The exception is because you are trying to access an invalid array Index. Where does the error pop up? If possible, add a [mcve] to simulate the problem.

  • fireTableRowsDeleted(rowIndex, rowIndex); should be called after removing the element from the list, and not before as it is in the method remove

  • yes, yes, I actually forgot to go back to the "gambiarras" I was trying to do to find the problem...actually the sequence I wrote and so: adds the list of removed; removes from the arrayList and updates Jtable.

  • Where error shoots? Could post a [mcve] of your table and arraylist?

  • Add more information I don’t know if this helps, so I created a process queue, with Pattern command, when you finish the changes, once you click OK the event calls the method of the queue class that will run all the processes in it, which calls the remove from the arrayList

  • Well, it would be interesting for a simple jtable example to be executable.

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1 answer


Well, I solved the problem with the exchange of the API from arrayList to Vector, both are very similar and did not impact so much on the performance of the application, as they use the same interface the methods have the same signature so I did not change anything... I do not know what happened as I am without time, deadline for delivery of work running out, to look for resolution. thanks for the help

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