Where to store the information?


Viewed 228 times


I have an application in angular, basic with forms that stores the data in arrays and receives the dado in dados in div's. Now how can I store this data? What options have I been using Angularjs?

Being familiar with php and Mysql, I know I can pass the data by $http and call the file .php But I also know there’s Mongodb... An application that uses Mongodb works on a server PHP/Linux?

One more thing, on the Angular page they refer to Firebase that left me with more doubts yet. What is the best way to "play" with dice in Angularjs?

2 answers


There is no "best" way to save data with AngularJs, everything will depend on your needs/projects. The MongoDB works yes on Linux servers and to use it with php you need to install a driver

Already the FireBase is a service BaaS(Backend as a Service) that already provides most of the features that you would have to implement in a Backend. This way you will make the direct connection to the service.


Using Mongodb and PHP

Baas - Backend as a Service

  • 1

    Thank you for the reply!


It depends on how you want to model your application:

  • In your browser - You can write a completely client-side solution, keeping user data in the instance of browser. To do so, use the Web Storage API or a library that deals with it, like the angular-webstorage. The downside is that your data will persist only for that browser.

  • On a server - You will need a back-end to store your data. Templates vary: From an implementation NodeJS + object-storage for simple applications, via relational databases (Mysql, Postgresql, Sqlite, Mariadb, Oracle, MS SQL Server and others) or not (Mongodb, Redis, Dynamodb, etc.).

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