Installments with date, skipping month of February


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Good afternoon. I’m studying a little JS and I found something interesting that future I think about using. However I realized that the JS below that generates installments with due dates, skips the month of February.

I can’t identify where the error might be, so I can change and finally do it correctly.

Could you help me?


function correcaoDia(dia) {
    if (isNaN(dia)) return false;
    return dia < 10 ? "0" + dia : dia ;

function correcaoMes(mes) {
    if (isNaN(mes)) return false;
    return mes < 10 ? "0" + mes : mes ;

function calcularParcelas(parcelas, stringData) {
    var ano = stringData.substring(6,10);
    var mes = stringData.substring(3,5);
    var dia = stringData.substring(0,2);
    var dataInicial = new Date(ano,mes,dia);
    var dataParcela = new Date();
    var resultado = "";
    var novoMes = 0;
    var novoAno = 0;
    resultado += "<ul>";
    for ( var p = 0 ; p < parcelas ; p++ ) {
        novoMes = ( dataInicial.getMonth() + p ) % 12;
        novoMes = novoMes == 0 ? 12 : novoMes;
        novoAno = dataInicial.getFullYear() + ( ( ( dataInicial.getMonth() + p ) - novoMes ) / 12 );
        resultado += "<li>";
        resultado += correcaoDia(dataParcela.getDate());
        resultado += "/";
        resultado += correcaoMes(dataParcela.getMonth() + 1);
        resultado += "/";
        resultado += dataParcela.getFullYear();
        resultado += "</li>";
    resultado += "</ul>";
    return resultado;

var parcelas = 8;
document.write(calcularParcelas( parcelas, "29/09/2016"));

  • He must be skipping February because he gets number 29 (next year is not leap year). If you have the date generated 29/Feb/2017, it will jump to the next day (1/Mar/2017)

1 answer


I included a check for leap years and day 29 of February. If you put the day 29/02 in a year that is not leap, the date goes to 01/03.

function correcaoDia(dia) {
    if (isNaN(dia)) return false;
    return dia < 10 ? "0" + dia : dia ;

function correcaoMes(mes) {
    if (isNaN(mes)) return false;
    return mes < 10 ? "0" + mes : mes ;

function calcularParcelas(parcelas, stringData) {
    var ano = stringData.substring(6,10);
    var mes = stringData.substring(3,5);
    var dia = stringData.substring(0,2);

  if(dia =='29' && leapYear(ano )) dia = '28';

    var dataInicial = new Date(ano,mes,dia);
console.log(dataInicial );
    var dataParcela = new Date();
    var resultado = "";
    var novoMes = 0;
    var novoAno = 0;
    resultado += "<ul>";
    for ( var p = 0 ; p < parcelas ; p++ ) {
        novoMes = ( dataInicial.getMonth() + p ) % 12;
        novoMes = novoMes == 0 ? 12 : novoMes;
        novoAno = dataInicial.getFullYear() + ( ( ( dataInicial.getMonth() + p ) - novoMes ) / 12 );

        resultado += "<li>";
        resultado += correcaoDia(dataParcela.getDate());
        resultado += "/";
        resultado += correcaoMes(dataParcela.getMonth() + 1);
        resultado += "/";
        resultado += dataParcela.getFullYear();
        resultado += "</li>";
    resultado += "</ul>";
    return resultado;

  function leapYear(year){
return ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0);

var parcelas = 8;
document.write(calcularParcelas( parcelas, "29/09/2016"));

  • That cool @lfarroco . But you know how to explain me where the error was? It would be in the calculation of dates (leap year) ?

  • last question: And for the first installment to be the date informed and not 30 days later, in which line of your code I would change?

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