"The best compatible overloaded method has some invalid arguments"


Viewed 884 times


I’m creating a service with a method that has an argument like List<OrdemPais>(), and passing an object of this type to the method, but when compiling it appears the error:

O melhor método sobrecarregado compatível com 'Mahikari.Business.Domain.OrdemPaisVigencia.SetOrdensPaises(System.Collections.Generic.List<Mahikari.Business.Domain.OrdemPais>)' tem alguns argumentos inválidos

This is the part of the code that the method is called:

protected void salvar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsValid)


        List<OrdemPais> OrdemPaisList = new List<OrdemPais>();

        OrdemPaisVigencia.Vigencia = dteVigencia.SelectedDate.Value;

        List<OrdemPais> ordemPaises = new List<OrdemPais>();
        foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> ordem in ordens)
            var o = new OrdemPais(ordem.Key, ordem.Value);


        catch (Exception ex)


        Response.Redirect("OrdemPais.aspx", true);

The method itself:

public void SetOrdensPaises(List<OrdemPais> ordemPaises)
        if (ordemPaises.Any())

        this.OrdemPaises = ordemPaises.OrderBy(or => or.Ordem).ToList();
  • The error is in the build or execution?

  • Compilation, and the strange thing is that it doesn’t signal with the red underscore (which usually stays in the visual studio when it’s wrong).

  • I can not identify any problem seeing only this. It may be missing something. But this code has several strange things. I don’t know if the problem may be being caused by something else. If you can make a [mcve] it may be easier to help.

  • I’m going to put the whole method of that code snippet, which has weird @bigown ?

  • It’s strange because both the call and the signature apparently has the same type. Certifies that the OrdemPais in List<OrdemPais> ordemPaises = new List<OrdemPais>(); is exactly the same in SetOrdensPaises(List<OrdemPais> ordemPaises). I mean, if they are not being referenced from separate Dlls despite having the same name.

  • 1

    @Ericwu was exactly that, the class (which is in another DLL) had the same name as a page, so it gave the error. If you want you can answer the question so I can mark it as an answer!

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1 answer


Make sure that the OrdemPais in

List<OrdemPais> ordemPaises = new List<OrdemPais>(); 

is exactly the same OrdemPais in

SetOrdensPaises(List<OrdemPais> ordemPaises);

If they have the same name but are in different namespaces, they are essentially different types.

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