Creating Active Directory users using Forms


Viewed 84 times


I am creating a form for a user to be created in AD with the fields concerned, but right now you are giving me the following error:

New-Aduser : The server is not available to process the request
At D: Scripts Createusersad Createuserad_v2.ps1:191 char:5
+ New-Aduser $name -Otherattributes @{
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Categoryinfo : Notspecified: (CN=8888,CN=User...MIN- SAUDE,DC=PT:String) [New-Aduser], Adexception
+ Fullyqualifiederrorid : The server is not available to process the request, Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.Newaduser

Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • This article shows you how to input data via form into the powershell if that’s what you’re looking for.

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