Connection database in Unity


Viewed 433 times


I am developing a game in Unity and we have reached the part where it is necessary to store players' scores in a database. This information will be used in the rank that will appear at the end of the round. However, I don’t understand how to do this part. Does anyone have any tips? Thank you.

2 answers


  • When you say an internet service, you talk about what exactly?

  • You have several options, you can create a simple VCS cloud service (but there you will have a certain investment), or use something like Google Play Services (, or Apple’s Game Center ( the Unity Asset Store already have several packages ready to use.


Use the playerprefs

To store:

if (score > highscore) { Playerprefs.Setint(highScoreKey, score); }

to fetch:

highscore = Playerprefs.Getint(highScoreKey, 0);

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