He was creating an Android project that makes him communicate with a Windows machine through Sockets, being the machine the server, and the mobile device (Samsung Galaxy S3 MINI) the client.
I created a wireless hosted network on the computer, and connected the device on the pc via USB cable, but connected the wireless network I created on the computer.
I made that when there was an error, the error is written in a Textview, and returned the error:
socket failed: EACCES (Permission Denied)
Activity Code: http://pastebin.com/rw9rzE9P
Manifest.xml http://pastebin.com/bxaDaubx
This was a way to 'hide' my IP, I typed ipconfig to get the IP of the connection I’m sharing with the phone, I’m connected to a Wifi that provides the internet, and the other I share the internet, in case what I connect with the device on the machine with the network "Wireless Network Connection 2", I must take the IP of that network that I share with the device?
– user2568864
OK! But, in an example, I would put something like
, or even"..."
;) Yes, you must use the IP of the network where the phone is. Now, there is a service running on the machine, listening on the port 5000 of this IP?– carlosrafaelgn