Where em Join - Sequelize


Viewed 620 times


Hello, I want to do a search within several tables, for example:

SELECT * from tab1 
    INNER JOIN tab2 ON tab1.tab2_id = tab2.id 
    WHERE tab1.name LIKE '%blabla%' or tab2.title 
    LIKE '%blablabla%'

How would this query with Sequelize?

2 answers


I’ll put it in context with the models:

const Tab1 = sequelize.define('tab1', {
  name: sequelize.STRING,
  tab2_id: sequelize.INTEGER
const Tab2 = sequelize.define('tab2', {
  title: sequelize.STRING

// relacionamento

Tab1.belongsTo(Tab2, {
  foreignKey: 'tab2_id'

Now the query itself where the $OR is performed with the two tables:

return Tab1.findAll({
  where: {
    $or: [
        name: {
            $like: '%blabla%'
      ['\`Tab2\`.\`title\`) LIKE ?', '%blablabla%'] // aqui é o macete
  include: [

Sequelize does not deliver this kind of detail in the documentation but it is very customizable, has several ways to do the same, more or less to the letter.


After modeling your tables, use the syntax include, in accordance with documentation.

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