Relationship of two tables MVC C#


Viewed 964 times


How can I make a Lambda query, I have two Permission and Employee tables, where to inform the email of the Employee, he brings me the Employee’s permissions, through the email that I informed. In SQL gets like this:

Select Funcionario.Email, Permissao.Nome'Nome permissao' 
from Funcionario, Permissao 
where Funcionario.PermissaoId = Permissao.PermissaoId

Using Entity Framework, I have this method, and precise returns the name of the employee’s permission.

public override string[] GetRolesForUser(string username) {
    FuncionarioRepositorio _funcionarioRepositorio = new FuncionarioRepositorio(); 
    string sRoles = _funcionarioRepositorio.BuscarTodos().Where(c => c.Email == username).FirstOrDefault().ToString(); 
    string[] retorno = { sRoles }; return retorno; 
  • 1

    I think your question needs more details to be answered, are you using what to query? Entity Framework? Could show code (csharp included) of a query you currently make?

  • Sorry I haven’t clarified more, yes use the Entity Framework, I have this method, and need returns the name of the employee permission. public override string[] GetRolesForUser(string username)
 FuncionarioRepositorio _funcionarioRepositorio = new FuncionarioRepositorio(); 
 string sRoles = _funcionarioRepositorio.BuscarTodos().Where(c => c.Email == username).FirstOrDefault().ToString(); 

 string[] retorno = { sRoles };
 return retorno;

  • I don’t know if I got it right. This method returns what you want, but it’s returning more data, that’s it?

  • Post also the method _funcionarioRepositorio.BuscarTodos().


1 answer


Assuming you use the Entity Framework and you have the following classes:

public class Permissao
    public int PermissaoId { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<Funcionario> Funcionarios { get; set; }

public class Funcionario
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Email { get; set; }

    public int PermissaoId { get; set; }

    public Permissao Permissao { get; set; }

public class Repositorio : DbContext
    public DbSet<Permissao> Permissoes { get; set; }

    public DbSet<Funcionario> Funcionarios { get; set; }

You can query in the following way:

using (var db = new Repositorio())
    Funcionario funcionario = db.Funcionarios
        .Include(p => p.Permissao)
        .Where(c => c.Email == "[email protected]")

    Console.WriteLine(funcionario.Permissao.Name); // nome da permissão

I used the Core version of EF in this example, the principle remains the same for Entity Framework 6.x. Here are other examples and a brief documentation of how to load related entities:


a. It is necessary that you have a repository with both entities (Dbset).

b. It may be necessary/more appropriate to map the relationship of entities through the method DbContext.OnModelCreating. Example of how to map entities:

c. Query can get significantly large with the number of fields in the tables, so you can include .Select at the end of the search expression if you find it necessary.

  • 1

    EF7 no longer exists. It is now Entity Framework Core. I missed a public virtual ICollection<Usuario> Usuarios { get; set; } in Permissao.

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