Enabling fields (array) with Jquery when checking checkbox


Viewed 179 times


Good afternoon guys, once again I need your help for the following problem:

Imagine the following form records below:

<input  id="check[1]"  name="check[1]" type="checkbox" value="">
<input  id="campo1[1]" name="campo1[1]" type="text" value="" disabled>
<select id="campo2[1]" name="campo2[1]" disabled></select>

<input  id="check[2]"  name="check[2]" type="checkbox" value="">
<input  id="campo1[2]" name="campo1[2]" type="text" value="" disabled>
<select id="campo2[2]" name="campo2[2]" disabled></select>

<input  id="check[3]"  name="check[3]" type="checkbox" value="">
<input  id="campo1[3]" name="campo1[3]" type="text" value="" disabled>
<select id="campo2[3]" name="campo2[3]" disabled></select>

<input  id="check[4]"  name="check[4]" type="checkbox" value="">
<input  id="campo1[4]" name="campo1[4]" type="text" value="" disabled>
<select id="campo2[4]" name="campo2[4]" disabled></select>

I would like the "campo1" and "campo2" fields to be enabled only after checking the corresponding checkbox. Detail, the number of records may be greater than 4.

You can help me?

2 answers


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('input[type=checkbox]').click(function() {
        var campo1 = $(this).next();
        var campo2 = $(this).next().next();

        if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
            campo1.attr('disabled', false);
            campo2.attr('disabled', false);
        } else {
            campo1.attr('disabled', true);
            campo2.attr('disabled', true);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<input  id="check[1]"  name="check[1]" type="checkbox" value="">
<input  id="campo1[1]" name="campo1[1]" type="text" value="" disabled>
<select id="campo2[1]" name="campo2[1]" disabled></select>

<input  id="check[2]"  name="check[2]" type="checkbox" value="">
<input  id="campo1[2]" name="campo1[2]" type="text" value="" disabled>
<select id="campo2[2]" name="campo2[2]" disabled></select>

<input  id="check[3]"  name="check[3]" type="checkbox" value="">
<input  id="campo1[3]" name="campo1[3]" type="text" value="" disabled>
<select id="campo2[3]" name="campo2[3]" disabled></select>

<input  id="check[4]"  name="check[4]" type="checkbox" value="">
<input  id="campo1[4]" name="campo1[4]" type="text" value="" disabled>
<select id="campo2[4]" name="campo2[4]" disabled></select>

Follow the example. Clicking on any of the checkboxes checks whether it is checked or not. And to get the two fields after checkbox I used the next function of jQuery.

  • Perfect guys, both functions solve my problem!! Abçs


Hello, well I would do something like

<div class="myclass">
   <input  id="check[1]"  name="check[1]" type="checkbox" value="">
   <input  id="campo1[1]" name="campo1[1]" type="text" value="" disabled>
   <select id="campo2[1]" name="campo2[1]" disabled></select>

<script type="text/javascript">    
         $(".myclass").find("input").addClass("lockedField"); // classe para altera a cor do elemento
         $(".myclass").find("input").attr("readonly", true); // bloqueia input
      } else {
         // Bloqueia

hope it helps! D

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