Calculate day difference between two dates [PHP]


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Good afternoon to you all! I did some research before asking the question, but I did not get an answer to my question in any of them.

I need help in getting the following code to receive both dates for the $_GET variable, example (.php?data1=23-09-16&data2=20-09-16). Basically display the dates entered in full and show the difference of days between them.

I did a functional exercise, which is the best way to adapt it to receive the dates from abroad?

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>teste dias</title>



$agora=date("F d, Y - g:i:s a", $agora);
echo "Hoje e agora são: ".$agora.$br;


echo (($dia2-$dia1)/60/60/24)." dias".$br;
echo $br;



Thank you!

2 answers


For the DD-MM-AA format specified in the question, we need to separate the date components to convert the year to 4 digits:

$data1 = explode( '-', $_GET['data1'] );
$data2 = explode( '-', $_GET['data2'] );

echo $dia1 = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $data1[1], $data1[0], 2000+$data1[2] );
echo $dia2 = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $data2[1], $data2[0], 2000+$data2[2] );

echo ( $dia2 - $dia1 ) / 86400;

See working on IDEONE.

A simpler way, if you can already send the value with 4 digits in the year, is this:

$dia1=strtotime( $_GET['data1'] );
$dia2=strtotime( $_GET['data2'] );

echo ( $dia2 - $dia1 ) / 86400;

See working on IDEONE.

The function strtotime makes the interpretation of string as per the separator.

  • Dates with / are considered as MM/DD/AAAA;

  • Dates with - are considered as DD-MM-AAAA;

If your dates are in MM/DD/YY format, and you prefer to use another conversion criteria, this post may be useful:

How to invert dates in php, regardless of format?

  • Thank you Bacco, all the help was very good, but it was your help that I ended up using! Thank you very much !


Use the method DateTime::createFromFormat to turn the date into an object DateTime from a format.

Then use the method DateTime::diff to compute the difference between dates.

$d1 = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-y', $_GET['data1'])
$d2 = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-y', $_GET['data2'])


The method diff return an instance of the object DateInterval.

See here the table of symbols that can be used to format the difference between dates (DateInterval).

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