Pass value to a java function


Viewed 902 times


Hello! in Javascript to pass a value to the function I do:

<button onclick="myFunction('valor')">Click me</button>

and crawl like this:

function myFunction(a){alert(a);}

and in java on android, as I do?

3 answers


Represents a widget button. Buttons can be pressed or clicked by the user to perform an action. A typical use of an Activity button would be the following

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
     protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {


         final Button button = (Button) findViewById(;
         button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
             public void onClick(View v) {
                 // Faça algo aqui quando clicar no botão.

However, instead of applying Onclicklistener to the button in your Activity, you can assign a method to the button in the XML layout, using the attribute android:onClick. For example:

     android:onClick="selfDestruct" />

Now, when a user clicks on the button, the Android system calls the activity method selfDestruct(View). For this to work, the method must be public and accept a View as its only parameter. For example:

 public void selfDestruct(View view) {
     // Faça algo aqui quando clicar no botão.

To View passed to the method is a reference to the widget that was clicked.

Reference here: Documentación Oficial


     android:onClick="selfDestruct" />

taken from the above answer, it is quite simple.

  • 3

    I don’t understand why this answer... if it’s already in the other answer why repeat it so often!


It would be better if you put what you need to facilitate the help... but it would be something +- like this...

public static int soma(int a, int b)  
    int c = a + b;  
    return c;  
  • thanks in advance, and how do I create the button in xml layout

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