How to import the current $Scope to the $uibModal?


Viewed 1,805 times


I have the following modal in my controller:

.module('app', ['ui.bootstrap'])
.controller('AlunosController', function ($uibModal, $scope, MyPaginator) {

     $scope.alunos = new MyPaginator('/alunos');

     $ = function (aluno) {

       $scope.alunoOriginal = aluno;

           controller: 'ModalAlunoFormController',
           resolve: {
              aluno: function () {
                 return angular.copy(aluno);

.controller('ModalFormAlunoController', function ($uibModalInstance, aluno) {
    $scope.aluno = aluno;

I can perfectly import the aluno to the controller modal, the ModalFormAlunoController, using the option resolve.

But I would like to pass all the objects present on $scope of AlunosController to the ModalFormAlunoController, without having to pass one by an option route resolve.

How can I do that in Angular UI Bootstrap?

2 answers


To do this, you need to pass the property scope as an option to $

Just do it Just do it:

    controller: 'ModalController',
    scope: $scope,

This will make all the objects of the $scope is imported into the $scope of the modal controller.

Response in the SOEN:

I have an example in Codepen that looks like this:

angular.module('app', ['ui.bootstrap'])

.controller("AppController", function($scope, $uibModal) {

    $ = "Wallace";

    $scope.modalComScope = function(size) {

            scope: $scope,
            animation: false,
            // Esse vai exibir o nome do scope atual
            template: '<div class="modal-body">Meu nome é {{ name }}</div>',
            controller: 'ModalInstanceCtrl',
            size: size,

   $scope.modalSemScope = function(size) {

            animation: false,
            // Esse não vai exibir o nome, pois o $scope não foi passado
            template: '<div class="modal-body">Meu nome é {{ name }}</div>',
            controller: 'ModalInstanceCtrl',
            size: size,


.controller('ModalInstanceCtrl', function($scope, $uibModalInstance) {

    $scope.ok = function() {

    $scope.cancel = function() {

Example in Codepen


Angular is 2 way data bind, that is, what you set in $Scope, is set buddy, until you do something to erase the data.

In a nutshell, just inject $Scope into your modal controller like this:

.controller('ModalFormAlunoController', function ($uibModalInstance, $scope) {
  • Yeah, but that’s just gonna pass aluno. I need all the other values of $scope of AlunosController be passed to ModalFormAlunoController. I mean, I’ll have access to all the other variables.

  • When I take the test console.log($scope.alunos) in the Modal controller returns undefined. The main $Scope is not automatically passed

  • Hello Wallace, remove "student" from controller injection, I will update the answer.

  • vc is trying to inject a "student" service that does not exist, and that was setting $Cope.student to Undefined.

  • I guess you still don’t understand what I was needing. I need to copy the data from one scope to the other. I even answered the question how to do. I think it’s good I set an example so no one gets confused.


  • I did not understand how the code shown answers the question.

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