How to add the result that is inside the Split function in python?


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Input value: 6+5

Example: inside the variable data are the numbers ['6', '5'],

print (data).split('+')

how do I print the sum of these values?

2 answers


Use the sum:

data = ['6', '5'] 

print (sum(int(numero) for numero in data if numero.isdigit())) # 11


Whereas you will always receive either numeric characters or mathematical operations.

First you will separate the data from the string that arrives for you:

>>> string = "6+5".split("+")
>>> string

Then you have to turn them into tractable numbers by python functions, for that use the intor the float. I’ll use the function map to perform an operation for each item in the list.

>>> operadores = list( map(float,string) )
>>> operadores
[6.0 , 5.0]
>>> soma = sum(operadores)

Or using fewer variables:

soma = sum ( list ( map ( float,data ) ) )

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