Run App in the background with phonegap


Viewed 507 times


I am a PHP programmer and am venturing into the mobile world.

I need to create a simple app, will just play a specific radio, the problem is: How to run the app in backgroud? When the app is minimized the radio needs to continue playing.

I don’t need code ready, the path of stones will do.

  • 1

    You’ve made a code that plays a radio and when you minimize it stops playing, that’s it?

1 answer


I develop for Android and if using native code would suggest you use IntentService on Android (Service and create-service).

Researching on the use of Services in Phonegap, I don’t know if it’s possible to have a Service with native Android code and running its Javascript code to play the radio.

An alternative is to search for a Phonegap plugin (never used, so I can not indicate any). But searching around there are these plugins: Backgroundservice and Phonegap Android Background Service Plugin - Explained. If someone who has already had experience can give more details would be perfect.

I hope I’ve helped.

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