mPDF - Generate PDF with cover and contents


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I need to generate a PDF with cover, back cover and content. I’m searching the database for the name of the backgrounds and content. So far, so good.

I did the following procedure:

First I searched all the data I needed and called the view:

$html_ag = $this->load->view('cliente/geracontrato_pdf_capa', $this->data, true);

On my view, I put:

    $capa = $dados_modelo_contrato[0]->arquivo_capa;

    body { 
        background-image: url(<?php echo base_url("assets/uploads/contratos/uploads/arquivo_capa/".$capa); ?>);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;

So far, ok, it works right... Generates the PDF with the background cover. Now, I need to add the back cover and the contents below it, which would be:

<capa> imagem (pode ser em background ou src, porém, sem margens)
<contracapa> imagem (pode ser em background ou src, porém, sem margens)
<conteudo> - texto com background normal

How do I stop instead of using the body, then use DIVS to print these contents?

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