Colorize a region of the graph


Viewed 249 times


I would like to color only the region within the circle, but I’m not getting it. The program and the image are:

theta <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 200)
r = exp(1i*theta)

fx=function(r) {
 x = r-1
return (x) }

xi = fx(r)

  • See help:

  • It’s not working yet!

  • The question concerns coloring some circle with a certain center and radius in the R or want to color the inner part of the figure generated by the fx function?

  • Color only the inner part of the figure generated by function fx! For another function, my interest will be to color the outer part of the circle.

1 answer


I believe that the best way to solve this problem, given this response to my above comment, is to make a polygon with the values of the function instead of trying to make a circle. Follow the code for this:

theta <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 200)
r     <- exp(1i*theta)

fx <- function(r) {
    x = r-1
    return (x)

xi <- fx(r)

polygon(Re(xi), Im(xi), col="cyan")

Resultado do plot

Note that I simply built a polygon with the real and imaginary parts of the result obtained by the function.

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