PHP error with Sqlserver Exception 'Pdoexception' with message 'SQLSTATE[08001]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]


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I installed the right driver in PHP, added the extension in php.ini, but when I try to connect with PDO on sqlserver, this error appears:

Exception 'Pdoexception' with message 'SQLSTATE[08001]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]Named Pipe Provider: could not open a connection to SQL Server.

I don’t know what else it might be, I’m using version 5.5 of PHP and the Sqlserver express 2014 database. Follow my connection code to the database:

    $UserName = 'sa';
    $Password = 'xxxxx';

    $con = new PDO("sqlsrv:Server=localhost;Database=banco", "$UserName", "$Password");
 echo "banco conectado OK!";
}catch (PDOException $exception)
  die("Não é possível se conectar ao banco de dados.<br />Error message:<br /><br />$exception.");

It’s the first time I try to connect PHP with Sqlserver. If anyone can help me, I appreciate :)

  • 1

    Which door to your SQLSERVER?

  • the password xxxxx is purposeful?

  • The door is the 1234... The password put 'xxxxx' only purposeful, just for the same question ;)

  • try to put the door

  • @stderr very well observed.

  • the error continues?

  • Opa, actually the variables were wrong, but even correcting, or even putting user and password direct, the error persists, already put the port tbm and nothing... :/

  • the name of the bank is bank?

  • Like the password, the name of the database was purposeful in the question... ;) this is the extension I added in php.ini... Extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_55_ts.dll

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2 answers


I work with mysql doing updates of an Mssql database. And I’ve used connections with ACCESS tbm.

For the two use odbc connection.

$db = odbc_connect( $connect_string,$user, $password );

As suggested by the official php documentation.

Note: Make a phinfo() to make sure your drive is active.

Then check MSSQL access credentials.

  • 1

    Guys!!! Got it, just like the zwitterion spoke!! I used connection via ODBC, and not the way I was doing. The connection was right, I made a select via PHP to see if it was really right, and funfou correctly! the script was like this: $con = new PDO("odbc:Driver={SQL Server};Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Database=banco; Uid=sa;Pwd=xxxxx;"); Thanks for everyone’s help, every comment was extremely helpful to me! Vlw


If you are correct as your comment, you said the door is 1234, then it must be something customized, because the default port of Sqlserver is 1433, to access a different port you must add a comma after the hostname and then the port you are using:

$con = new PDO("sqlsrv:Server=[HOST],[PORTA];Database=[BANCO]", "$UserName", "$Password");

It would be something like:

$con = new PDO("sqlsrv:Server=localhost,1234;Database=banco", "$UserName", "$Password");

Such as the examples in the documentation

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