Order by on a Count in another table


Viewed 270 times


I wanted to sort a table of items by counting the positive evaluations(another table) for that item. This query will be executed in the controler: item action: index


  avaliacao[0 negativo, 1 positivo]

For example:

Banda 1 - <15 positivos> <3 negativos>
Banda 2 - <10 positivos> <30 negativos>
Banda 3 - <5 positiva> <0 negativas>
Banda 4 - <0 positiva> <0 negativas>
Banda 5 - <0 positiva> <0 negativas>
Banda 6 - <0 positiva> <0 negativas>
Banda 7 - <0 positiva> <0 negativas>

2 answers


Taking advantage of @bfavaretto’s reply, in case you have Avaliacao one belongs_to :item, you should do the following for the :

Item.joins(:avaliacaos).group("avaliacaos.item_id").order("sum(avaliacaos.avaliacao) desc")

Otherwise it will be necessary to iterate on the template elements Item

items = Hash.new
Item.all.each do |item|
  items[item.id] = Avaliacao.where('item_id = ? AND avaliacao = ?', item.id, 1).count
maiores_avaliacoes = items.sort_by { |k,v| v}.reverse

Where maiores_avaliacoes will be a vector of pairs in which the first element is the key and the second the number of positive evaluations, i.e. maiores_avaliacoes[0] return a vector with two positions where the position 0 will be the item_id of the item with more positive reviews and the position 1 will be the number of positive reviews that has that item.

This should only return items with positive reviews.

How to count the number of positive and negative reviews

Due to my inability to consult SQL, I won’t know which query should be made to return the number of positive or negative evaluations (although I suppose that one should use the count instead of sum). However, it is possible to achieve what you want by modifying the second example a little bit, as follows:

avaliacoes = Hash.new
Item.all.each do |item|
  avaliacoes[item.id] = [Avaliacao.where('item_id = ? AND avaliacao = ?', item.id, 0).count, Avaliacao.where('item_id = ? AND avaliacao = ?', item.id, 1).count]
Item.all.each do |item|
  puts item.nome + " - <" + avaliacoes[item.id][1] + " positivas> <" + avaliacoes[item.id][1] + " negativas>\n"

This prints the data on the console the way you want it, remembering that index 1 counts the number of ratings positive, while index 0 accounts for the number of valuations negative, saving them in a Hash using item.id.

  • 1

    Hello friend, is more or less what I really wanted, Avaliacao belongs_to :item. I did some tests and observed that only items with reviews were returned and there was no differentiation between negative and positive reviews, I will edit the question to put an example.

  • I get it, I’ll edit my answer.


The base is a query with JOIN between the two tables. You must also group by item, and sort by the sum of the evaluations:

SELECT Item.id, Item.nome, SUM(Avaliacao.avaliacao) AS positivos
INNER JOIN Avaliacao
ON Avaliacao.item_id = Item.id
GROUP BY Item.id
ORDER BY SUM(Avaliacao.avaliacao) DESC
  • After answering, I realized that there was only the ruby-on-Rails tag in the question... If you want to do this with Rails methods, then I don’t know.

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