Delphi - Connection tcp with CSTA protocol?


Viewed 136 times


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
   Result: string;
   Tamanho: Integer;
  I, Cont, D: Integer;
   Edit3.Text:= '';
   Cont:= 0;
   Tamanho:= Length(Edit1.Text);
   D:= Tamanho;
   while Cont <= D do

     Edit2.Text:= copy(Edit1.Text, Cont, 3);
     IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.WriteLn (Edit2.Text);
     if Cont < 3 then
        Edit3.Text:= Edit3.Text + copy(Edit1.Text, Cont, 2)
        Edit3.Text:= Edit3.Text + copy(Edit1.Text, Cont, 3);
     Cont:= Cont + 3;
   Result := idTCPClient1.LastCmdResult.ToString;
   Label1.Caption:= Result + '  ' + IntToStr (Tamanho);
  • Explain your question/problem better.

  • Does anyone know this protocol, and any examples of connection using Delphi? In the above procedure, I can connect in the equipment that rolls the protocol but I can’t authenticate! Information available to the equipment manufacturer:

  • 4.3. Authentication In order for the customer to receive and send CSTA data, an authentication message is required. Authentication is done using the ACSE protocol, where the application id, user and password are passed. ACSE format The ACSE - 1 standard defined in X.227:04/1995 is used. ACSE package types » AARQ : Connection request. Sent by client. » AARE : AARQ response. Sent by server » RLRQ : Disconnection request. Sent by client »

  • RLRE : RLRQ Response. Sent by server » ABRT: Forced termination of connection. Sent by server or client. No need for an answer.

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