Nodejs debug using visual studio code


Viewed 191 times


I’m using Visual Studio Code and I’m not able to debug a nodejs for it.

If I put one breakpoint anywhere in my app.js and start debug, it works, but when I already have it in the browser and switch to another route, for example, nothing happens.
Updating the page while it is on the root route (/), also nothing happens. It’s only triggered the first time.

I’m starting now to use nodejs + visual studio code and would like to know if someone could guide me and explain how debug works.

2 answers


I ended up discovering that I was putting the breakpoint in the wrong place, causing it not to be triggered using Visual Studio Code.

I also tested the debug of Visual Studio Community 2015 with Nodejs support and it seemed a great use option for programming.

In this way, I find my doubt solved.


If you want a solution with Node do the following, put Debugger, in code snippets and in the vscode terminal type the command:

Node Inspect filename.js


Function facaalgumthing(a+b) {


Return a+b; }

Let test = 0;


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