Initialize some user parameters using Angularjs and Google Cloud Endpoints


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I am trying to initialize some user parameters using Angularjs and google cloud endpoints. Through a getProfile endpoint, I need to get user information like photo, description, age to show on screen. I can make a call of this type using a form and a button for example, what I’m not getting and make this call before the page is loaded, so when it is loaded I already have the information to show from the screen.

That’s kind of what I’m trying to do: (HTML)

          <div class="form-group">

            <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">Profile image</label>
            <div class="col-sm-9" ng-controller='initController'>
                <img src="{{userPicture}}" class="user-image-profile" alt="User Image">


controllers.initController = function($scope, $http){

$scope.userForm = {
        "userEmail" : $.cookie('auth') 

gapi.client.igardenendpoints.getProfile($scope.userForm).execute(function(resp) {
    $scope.$apply(function () {

    if (resp.error) {
        $scope.backmessage.messagetext = "GetProfile Error!"

             } else {

    if (resp.userEmail == "TEMPLATE"){

            $scope.backmessage.messagetext = "Error please try again!"


        $scope.userPicture = '';
        console.log('acho que funcionou');





Notice that I am calling the gapi.client.igardenendpoints direct in the body of Controler, is that correct? But it is not working.

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