Consult user in Sqlite


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I need to validate a user in the database. If valid, I want to call the second Activity.

Which method to use to make this validation in the android database?

Code where the insertion is made:

public String insereProfessor(Professor professor) {
    ContentValues valores;
    long resultado = 1;

    dataBase = bancoDados.getWritableDatabase();
    valores = new ContentValues();
    valores.put("CODPROF", professor.getCodProfessor());
    valores.put("NOME", professor.getNomeProfessor());
    valores.put("USUARIO", professor.getUsuario());
    valores.put("SENHA", professor.getSenha());

    resultado = dataBase.replaceOrThrow("PROFESSOR", null, valores);

    if (resultado == -1)
        return "Erro de registro";
        return "Registro Inserido com sucesso";


I tried to authenticate it this way:

public Professor consutaProfessorNoBanco(String usuario, String senha) {

    try {
        String SQL = "select CODPROF, NOME, USUARIO, SENHA from PROFESSOR where USUARIO = ? and SENHA = ? ";
        String[] selectionArgs = new String[]{usuario, senha};
        Cursor cursor = dataBase.rawQuery(SQL, selectionArgs);

        if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {
            if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {

    } catch (Exception erro) {
        Log.i("Erro ocnsulta", "Erro consultar no banco");

    return professor;
  • 2

    What code are you using to create the bank? is some lib, like cupBoard, for example? Without seeing your code we can’t help you.

  • I edited the theme with the code.

  • Where is the code that creates the bank?

  • What do you mean "validate a user in the bank"? Check if it already exists?

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