I’m using the Rstudio
to create my documents in the format .Rmd
and address in .md
with the following function:
rmarkdown::render("2016-09-07-post1.Rmd",output_format = "md_document",encoding = "UTF-8")
The archive .md
generated is saved in folder _posts
, do the commit
and the push
, and then when opening my blog my post is rendered, but the following happens:
- Images do not appear;
- Latex texts are not rendered correctly.
You can visualize this in fsbmat.github.io
Someone can help me solve these problems?
Have you tried using the HTML format in knitr (instead of markdown)? It includes the images "inline"
– carlosfigueira
Hi @Marcelo de Andrade, I’ve tried yes, I’ll add html via knitr in Rstudio and put it in the _post folder with the same name as the file . Md, I commit and push and when it comes time to view both posts on the blog, but with the same problems! The two meet on the blog to view!
– fsbmat