Create and remove aquifers in Visual Studio while you’re "debugging"


Viewed 17 times


I can’t create or remove files while my project. NET is running, I tried to enable/disable several options of Visual Studio but I could not find what is blocking this edition.

I don’t need the debug to "recompile" the files in Runtime, I just need to release the option to create new files while the application is running, like views, css, etc.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Note: I can’t even create files like "View".

  • That’s exactly what I don’t want to do... I know it is possible to edit or create files while the application is running because in other installations of Visual Studio 2015 never had this problem, only in this, rs.

1 answer


  • It is not necessary for debug to recompile the new files in Runtime, I just need to be able to create new files while the application is running, like views, css, etc.

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