Authentication using Token With Devise Rails


Viewed 296 times


Staff need help implementing authentication by token, I already created the models, the application is working properly, now I need to improve security. The customer will send me registration and a password, she will come in JSON, has a method that makes a select in the database to check if registration and password are true, I would like to generate a token once a day as soon as registration and password are confirmed. This token will return together with the ID to the device , via JSON, and in the next operations all will be validated with this token.

This is my consultation model

class Student < ApplicationRecord
    has_many :simulated
    has_many :proof

        #Metodo que recebe matricula e senha para validar acesso

        def sqlValidatedLogin(registration,password)
        query_student = "SELECT id, name, token registration FROM students WHERE registration = "+
        registration+" AND password = "+password

# method in the controller

 def index
  student =
  return_dados = student.sqlValidatedLogin(params[:registration].to_s,params[:password].to_s)
  render :json => return_dados

Access to return data Registration=102030&password=%27123%27

I’m wondering how to implement in the other classes, I read the documentation however, I didn’t understand token authentication, someone would have an example configuration with comments, or could help me implement this ?

  • I used this tutorial to implement a project and it served me very well he doesn’t use Devise, things are more manual, but with a substantial efficiency.

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