Higher value of a vector, with recursion


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I’m studying recursion and vectors, but I can’t understand how this method works, which returns the highest value using recursion.

int maximoR (int n, int v[]) {
   int x;
   if (n == 1) x = v[0];
   else {
      x = maximoR (n-1, v); 
      if (x < v[n-1]) x = v[n-1];
   return x;
  • 1

    Do a "table test" with, say, n = 5, and you’ll understand (and will even validate if the implementation is correct).

  • 1

    To understand it would also be good to add a printf in the x values in this method. So you will understand the flux triggered in each recursion call.

  • The tip of José X is good, it is better with the tip of Giuliana Bezerra because it allows to see the table test during the execution, obviously it is good to take a break in each iteration, or even in each print to view the data and analyze calmly and gets closer than it would in a table test.

  • Hmm, I get it..

1 answer


First, this function would be called something like this:

int valores[] = {5, 10, 4, -4, 2, -7, 9};
int max = maximoR(7, valores); /* 7 = tamanho do vetor. */

Recursively, except when the n is 1, it will always fall on else, creating a recursive call sequence like this (this is the process of going):

maximoR(6, v);
maximoR(5, v);
maximoR(4, v);
maximoR(3, v);
maximoR(2, v);
maximoR(1, v);

At this point, the if will no longer fall into the else and return the element v[0]. Then at each iteration will start the process of turning back, where it will take the value of the previous iteration and compare with the n-nth position of the array, always choosing the largest and returning the largest to the top call.

With that, here’s what happens:

  • In the deepest iteration (the last) it only returns the first value.
  • In the second deepest iteration (the penultimate), it compares the second value with the one obtained from the last iteration.
  • In the third deepest iteration (the antepenultimate), he compares the third value with that obtained from the penultimate iteration.
  • ...
  • In the first iteration (the shallowest), it compares the last value with the one obtained from the second iteration.

Therefore, in the end the chosen value will be the largest element.

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