Get complete XML content without removing tags


Viewed 981 times


I need to get the full contents of an XML file to insert it into the database. I have tried fopen but it removes the tags, and with simplexml_load_file returns array.

$ponteiro = fopen ($arquivo,"r");
while (!feof ($ponteiro)) {
$linha = fgets($ponteiro);
echo $linha."<br>";
fclose ($ponteiro);

So it returns only the text content without the tags. Full XML part example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<nfeProc versao="3.10" xmlns="">
<NFe xmlns="">
<infNFe versao="3.10" Id="NFe3516............">

I need to read an XML file from a folder and save its contents to MYSQL

  • 1

    [SOLVED] Thanks @Bacco entered the return in the database and recorded correctly, if print in the browser it removes the tags even.

  • In your case, this solution here is more practical, to read everything at once:

1 answer


The content is returning perfect with the tags, it is normal not to be able to see them on the screen, because the browser tries to interpret as HTML.

Just a small correction, if you want to see the output by browser:

$ponteiro = fopen( $arquivo, 'r' );
while ( !feof ($ponteiro) ) {
   $linha = fgets( $ponteiro );
   echo htmlentities( $linha )."<br>\n";
fclose ($ponteiro);

Note that we do not change anything in reading, just add a htmlentities() in the echo, so that tags are "escaped" correctly for HTML display.

To save to a variable or DB, you do not need htmlentities, use the data as it is read.


If you want to read the file in one step:

$xml = file_get_contents( $arquivo );
echo nl2br( htmlentities( $xml ) );

This option is good when the file is not so large and can be read in memory and processed in a single step, which is usually the case of Xmls.


The nl2br serves to turn line breaks into tags <br>, for easy reading

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