Send XML via POST


Viewed 1,061 times


I have the following example to send XML via POST:

public string EnviarXmlSoap(string methodName, string body)
        WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create("");
        HttpWebRequest httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)webRequest;
        httpRequest.Method = "POST";
        httpRequest.ContentType = "text/xml; charset=utf-8";
        httpRequest.Headers.Add("SOAPAction:" + methodName);
        httpRequest.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11;
        httpRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
        Stream requestStream = httpRequest.GetRequestStream();
        //Create Stream and Complete Request             
        StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(requestStream, Encoding.ASCII);

        StringBuilder soapRequest = new StringBuilder("<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"\"");
        soapRequest.Append(" xmlns:xsd=\"\" ");

        //Get the Response    
        HttpWebResponse wr = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
        StreamReader srd = new StreamReader(wr.GetResponseStream());
        string resulXmlFromWebService = srd.ReadToEnd();
        return resulXmlFromWebService;

I edited the code and now is returning me the following error:

O servidor remoto retornou um erro: (404) Não Localizado.

  • Why you do not add a Reference service from this webservice ?

  • Because when I add, for some reason, it doesn’t show up for me to access the methods..

  • Have you tried validating this wsdl ? I tried it here and it didn’t validate. The error was as follows: The datatype '' is Missing. But I did a test and it includes this "Value" in wsdl and the class was generated normally

  • Validate? no... where did you validate? I need the xml it mounts.. how do I get this ??

  • I also used wsdl.exe and the error was the same

  • I need the xml it mounts.. how do I get it to do this ??

  • It worked out the way it is now... except the url... I contacted the support and passed me another URL and it worked.

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