Drop-in-frame menu over another frame


Viewed 316 times


Hello, how do I make my menu that is inside a frame go over another frame? I have the following html:

<frameset rows="150,*" frameborder="no" border="0" framespacing="0">
    <frame name="menu" src="Menu.aspx" noresize scrolling="no" />
    <frame name="sistemas" src="TelaInterna.aspx" noresize />

In the first frame I have a menu, but when I give the Hover in one of the items and the menu displays the internal items, instead of the drop down it goes up, because there is no space in the frame. I wonder if there is a way to say that frame 1 will display the content superimposing frame 2, that is, closer to the screen.

Note: I understand that working with frames is a problem and limiting, but in this case I need to find a way to do this without removing the frame structure. This is the only requirement because the project has this restriction :(.

  • I even found a way to cross frame using javascript but I found the solution "unpleasant" because the way to assemble the menu links is complex (http://deluxe-menu.com/cross-frame-mode-sample.html). It seems to me that there is no way to solve even simply with some html or css change only. :/

  • there is no way you will have to increase the frame according to the size of your list

  • truth @Joao, I had to change the approach and seek another way, this proved impracticable. thanks.

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