How to place a while inside an angular object?


Viewed 529 times


I need all the lines listed in while to be listed also inside the object, but I’m only seeing the last line of the array in the object.


                  var contar = 0;

                  while (contar < 2){

                    var eventos = data[contar];
                    var titulo = eventos.titulo;
                      var titulo = [{titulo}];
                      console.log(titulo); // aqui ele lista todas as linhas do array



                $scope.ano = 2016;

                  $scope.dataSet = [
                          {name:"Janeiro", ano:$scope.ano,
                           evento:    titulo, //aqui ele só mostra a ultima linha do array

                      $scope.current = $scope.dataSet[0],
                      $ = function(){

                          var i = $scope.getIndex($scope.current.index, 1);
                          $scope.current = $scope.dataSet[i];

                      $scope.previous = function(){
                          var i = $scope.getIndex($scope.current.index, -1);
                          $scope.current = $scope.dataSet[i];
                      $scope.getIndex = function(currentIndex, shift){
                          var len = $scope.dataSet.length;
                          return (((currentIndex + shift) + len) % len)

1 answer


Your error is in assigning each loop a new value to the title variable.

 var titulo = [{titulo}];

The only thing this code does is turn the variable into an item in a list, but that list is reset every time that line is executed.

If you want to insert items in the same list, you can use the function push().

             var titulosList = [];
             while (contar < 2){

                var eventos = data[contar];
                var titulo = eventos.titulo;

                console.log(titulo); // Mostra no console o título a cada laço


             console.log(titulosList); // Mostra no console sua lista de títulos

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