Both [
and [[
are used to assess what is between [..]
or [[..]]
, can be compared strings and check file types.
is a synonym for test
, [[
is a keyword.
In doing if [ condicao ]
can be said to be equivalent to if test condicao
, for [
is a token that will invoke the command test
The right bracket ]
, is not strictly necessary, however in more recent versions of Bash is required.
~$ type test
test is a shell builtin
~$ type '['
[ is a shell builtin
~$ type '[['
[[ is a shell keyword
~$ type ']]'
]] is a shell keyword
~$ type ']'
bash: type: ]: not found
is more flexible than [..]
, when using [[..]]
some logical errors can be avoided in the script. For example, the operators &&
, ||
, <
, and >
work in the [[..]]
, but not in [..]
Take an example:
if [ -f $foo && -f $bar && -f $baz ] # Erro
if [ -f $foo ] && [ -f $bar ] && [ -f $baz ] # OK. Cada expressão dentro de um [..]
if [ -f $foo -a -f $bar -a -f $baz ] # OK. Tem que usar "-a" na antes da expressão
if [[ -f $foo && -f $bar && -f $baz ]] # OK!
The difference and when and which to use between [
and [[
according to the Bashfaq - 031 is:
To cut a long story short: test
Implements the old, Portable syntax of
the command. In Almost all shells (the oldest Bourne shells are the
Exception), [
is a synonym for test
(but requires a final argument of
Although all Modern shells have built-in implementations of [
there usually still is an External Executable of that name, e.g. /bin/[
is a new improved version of it, which is a keyword, not a program.
This has beneficial effects on the Ease of use, as Shown Below.
is understood by Kornshell and BASH (e. g. 2.03), but not by the Older POSIX or Bourne shell.
When should the new test command [[
be used, and when the old one [
If Portability to the Bourneshell is a Concern, the old syntax should
be used. If on the other hand the script requires BASH or Kornshell,
the new syntax is Much more Flexible.
Although [
and [[
have much in common and share many expression operators such as -f
, -s
, -n
, -z
, there are some notable differences.
Here is a comparison list:

Credits: Bashfaq - 031