SQL Database


Viewed 57 times


Hello! I am in training in Support and I’m having difficulty understanding the logic of select, I need to make script for example: bring the status of the table Criteria.

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    I think we can explain the operation of select, but indicate course is totally outside the scope of our site.

  • How do I access the explanation? It would not be indication of schools, but of the name of the course, example: Modeling of data or Designing and implementing data, etc. It has how to orient me?

  • Edit your question by clicking [Edit] and remove what is off and focus on the same Select query as soon as someone replies ;-)

  • As for short courses, it is not the purpose of this website to recommend or indicate courses. The idea here is to solve problems related to programming.

1 answer


That would be your SQL:

SELECT status FROM Critérios

The logic is as follows:

  • A consultation SELECT always produces a table of results.

  • All records in the table are searched Critérios. No filter is applied, and therefore all records are returned (if you wanted to filter, a claula WHERE would be necessary). Each record found will correspond to a row of the table.

  • The column is selected status of the obtained records. You could select more columns, but since you are selecting only this one, your table will contain only the column status and nothing more.

  • As a result, you will have a list of all existing status in the table Critérios. There may be repetitions in the case of several different records of the table Critérios have the same status.

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