What is the difference between Debug and Release?


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I started having the error: "Microsoft C++ Runtime error library". And I got many problems trying to fix this error.

I was using Qt Creator with mingw32 in mode debug, but I realized that this mode depends on many compiler Dlls.

I know there’s a way release for the construction of the program, my doubt is, what is the difference of the two modes?

Use the release is more advantageous than the debug by Mingw?

1 answer


It is not a matter of being more advantageous, as the name itself says one is for the purpose of debugging and the other is for release purposes (put into production).

The way of debug has much more information available for that software debug can help the programmer further debug his code. By having much more information, not necessary for the normal execution of the application, it is clear that are much heavier codes.

Actually sending debugging information in a final application can be considered until a security failure.

No matter the language, library, compiler, or anything like that, it’s something universal.

Microsoft C++ Runtime is required independently of being debug or release.

  • Thank you for clearing my doubt!

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