Client can connect to server but crasha when will receive data


Viewed 243 times


Here’s the part of the code that misses:

private void buttonAbrirConexão_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        socketOfServer = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
        socketOfServer.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 6554));
        socketOfServer.BeginAccept(AcceptedConection_Callback, null);
        MessageBox.Show("Servidor aberto!");
        buttonAbrirConexão.Enabled = false;
    catch(Exception ex)
        buttonAbrirConexão.Enabled = true;

private void AcceptedConection_Callback(IAsyncResult e)
    socketOfClientOnServer = socketOfServer.EndAccept(e);
    socketOfServer.BeginReceive(bufferOfServer, 0, bufferOfServer.Length, SocketFlags.None, AcceptedDataFromClient_Callback, socketOfClientOnServer); //O erro da nessa linha
    MessageBox.Show("Cliente conectado!");

First of all I follow the following steps, click on open server, a message appears saying that the server opened, then I click on connect using ip, if I remove the line that is giving error, displays me a message saying that the client is connected. The mistake you’re making on the line is this::

"A request for sending or receiving data was not allowed because the socket is not connected and (during sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) an address was not provided." Note: I connect only one customer.

  • 2

    I know nothing of . Net but the line that gives error socketOfServer.BeginReceive(bufferOfServer,... should start with socketOfClientOnServer.BeginReceive(..., because "socketOfServer" is the Listener, and "socketOfClientOnServer" is the connected socket... about the other parameters do not know enough to say something

  • Dude, you are at least a demigod... IT WAS JUST THAT!!!! AAAAAAAA The problem is my lack of knowledge about socket, so I’ve been doing things hopelessly :/

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