Word restriction


Viewed 280 times


Speak, folks.

I’d like to know how to restrict certain words, like, a person tries to write 'PQP', so the site doesn’t let this word stay there.


  • 1

    Saves a Blacklist of words you do not want to accept in an array with javascript, ai only checks the word when the user does some action.

  • 1

    You will need a programming language, make a list of words you don’t want, and use functions to block these words.

1 answer


Good though you can do in HTML as well.

<form action="">
  Palavra : <input type="text" name="palavra" pattern="^((?!PQP).)*$">
  <input type="submit">

Thus the string "PQP" is not allowed. If the answer is correct, I could validate it.

To assemble expressions for multiple words you will need the operator "or"("|").

Here you can see how to make the expressions

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