MAX and MIN functions in Cakephp 3


Viewed 57 times


I am trying to perform a database search that returns the lowest and highest value of the 'time' (time) field using the following code in Cakephp 3:

$pedidos = TableRegistry::get('Pedidos');
$hora_max = $pedidos->find('list', array('fields' => array('MAX(hora)  AS 'hora_maxima')));
$hora_minima = $pedidos->find('list', array('fields' => array('MIN(hora)  AS 'hora_minima')));

However it returns me the following error:

syntax error, Unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR.

Could someone help me, please?

1 answer


Looking superficially and considering the error message,

syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR

There’s an extra quote:

'MAX(hora)  AS 'hora_maxima'

Correct by removing the middle quote:

'MAX(hora)  AS hora_maxima'


$hora_max = $pedidos->find('list', array('fields' => array('MAX(hora)  AS hora_maxima')));

Note that the same happens in MIN assembly():

'MIN(hora)  AS 'hora_minima'
              /  \
  • Daniel Omine thank you so much for your help. I am very happy to know that we have such a close community. I hope I can soon be contributing to the community as well. Again, thank you very much.

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