How to finish running the app in the emulator


Viewed 254 times


I’m building an application that caches remote data.

Fact is, I change the remote data, finish the application in the emulator with back button.

At the next run, done from the click on the application icon, the emulator loads the same application instance.

On the real device I have the option to discard the instance by accessing the latest game apps anywhere and Finish.

How do I finish running emulator?

  • Which emulator are you using? Genymotion?

  • The emulator I created in androidStudio’s AVD Manager.

  • To clarify + a little. I have two instances of the app running. One in the emulator and the other via USB. The two connected to a data server via socket - Java EE with Postgresql. In the test I directly change in the database with pgAdmin the user status to "promoted" - for example. The copy I ran from android studio I click finish in the environment and run again so that the data is recharged. The problem is that the copy I executed in the emulator from the click on the application icon I cannot finish.

  • The problem is in emulator or programming?

  • In the emulator. But I’ve figured out a way to stop the execution. I’ll go through settings, apps, select the app and force it to stop. Anyway thanks.

  • @Edsonfsantos please, could you add an answer to your own question with your solution? It would help others in the future and you could brand it as accepted answer.

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1 answer


In some situations the emulator caches the application instance, that is, you make changes to the code, ask to run again and it loads the previous instance of the execution without reflecting the changes.

To work around this go to: Settings -> Apps -> Select the application and click Force Stop.

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