How to uninstall an app automatically before installing again?


Viewed 953 times


I am using Android Studio to test and debug my application with the librarys, but the application is not overlapped properly, so I need that, before installing it, it be removed.

I tested with the :app:uninstallDebug and the :app:uninstallAll as described here in the OR, but nothing happens after executing the Run, I only see the status Gradle Build Running and does not come out of it. The project is simple in the matter of sugundos it is compiled and installed without configuration :app:uninstallAll.
Following the logs.

Event Log

17:18:16 Executing tasks: [:app:uninstallAll]

Message Gradle Build

Information:Gradle tasks [:app:uninstallAll] :app:uninstallDebug 05:59:13 E/ddms: 'C: Desktop Users Appdata Local Android sdk Platform-tools adb.exe,start-server' failed -- run Manually if necessary :app:uninstallDebug FAILED Error:Execution failed for task ':app:uninstallDebug'. > Could not create ADB Bridge. ADB Location: C: Desktop Users Appdata Local Android sdk Platform-tools adb.exe Information:BUILD FAILED Information:Total time: 4.216 secs Information:1 error Information:0 warnings Information:See complete output in console

Gradle Console

Executing tasks: [:app:uninstallAll]

Configuration on demand is an incubating Feature. Incremental java Compilation is an incubating Feature. : app:uninstallDebug

idea log.

2016-08-26 17:18:16,722 [1226128] INFO - a.gradle.Invoker.Gradleinvoker - About to execute Gradle tasks: [:app:uninstallAll] 2016-08-26 17:18:16,773 [1226179] INFO - s.plugins.Gradle.Gradlemanager - Instructing Gradle to use java from C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_45

How can I do to uninstall an application before installing it with Android Studio without going through these problems described above? How to solve this?

  • To date, the Gradle Build Running is still running. Just closing the process to stop it. Android Studio 2.1.3

  • I’m not sure I quite understand the problem. But I imagine it refers to the Instant Run of Android Studio because I also had some problems with it when it was released. To disable Instant Run you go to File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Instant Run and disable everything there.

  • It’s not about the Instant Run, even with it disabled, the app is not uninstalled, only overwritten, as the librarys present in the file .apk still continue, and are not removed as well as the app itself, that is the purpose of this question, uninstall before running a new installation. @Matheusdemello

1 answer


You can use the plugin android studio called "ADB Idea" in it there are commands like Uninstall an application, kill an app, give a clear data, etc..

For even more practicality you can either put a shortcut to each command. Or you can make a macro that uninstall and install the application.

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