problem with tablesorter


Viewed 76 times


I wonder if it is possible to manipulate the research of tablesorter?

I have a list with several records and pages, but when I have searched, it is only searched by the page.

How do I search across the table?

Follows the code of tablesorter:

      $('table > tbody > tr:odd').addClass('odd');
      $('table > tbody > tr').hover(function(){
        $('table > tbody > tr > td > :checkbox')
          .attr('checked', $(this).is(':checked'))
      $('table > tbody > tr > td > :checkbox').bind('click change', function(){
        var tr = $(this).parent().parent();
        if($(this).is(':checked')) $(tr).addClass('selected');
        else $(tr).removeClass('selected');
      $('form').submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); });
        var encontrou = false;
        var termo = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
        $('table > tbody > tr').each(function(){
            if($(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(termo) > -1) encontrou = true;
          if(!encontrou) $(this).hide();
          else $(this).show();
          encontrou = false;
          dateFormat: 'uk',
			sortList: [[0,0], [1,0]]
        .tablesorterPager({container: $("#pager")})
        .bind('sortEnd', function(){
          $('table > tbody > tr').removeClass('odd');
          $('table > tbody > tr:odd').addClass('odd');

  • I’ve never used it, but take a look at the documentation, it might help:

  • there’s nothing in the documentation about that.

  • I haven’t solved it yet. Does anyone know how? Thank you.

  • You can see here: I’ve never done anything with this plugin, I can’t help. If you are free to do so, you can always try another plugin, e.g.:

  • I tried to use datatables but it seemed very confusing, I could not change the layout to suit mine. Can you tell me if you can modify layout?

  • Only with JS, you have to see in the console what elements you want to change and after calling the function that creates the table and that you can change.

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