PHP - How to make sure that if a POST is not entered, it does not appear "Notice: Undefined index"


Viewed 163 times


It is possible to make sure that if I do not enter data in a form with method="get", when you go to action="/minha-url.php", if you have not entered data in the previous form, simply nothing will be displayed instead of "Notice: Undefined index", etc...

Part where I make the GET content appear:

<?php echo  ($_GET["email"]) ; ?>

When I input the email, it stays: [email protected]

When I don’t enter, it stays: Notice: Undefined index: email in C: xampp htdocs teste.php on line 104

It’s a very simple question, but I couldn’t find solutions, I couldn’t find anything on the Internet to solve this problem.

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    this is one of the most recurrent subjects. are you sure you searched the internet?

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    Use isset($_GET) or isset($_GET["email"]). Type: <?= isset($_GET["email"]) ? $_GET["email"] : ''>;

  • 1

3 answers


Could use the command isset to test if the value has been reported.

In this way:

    echo  ($_GET["email"]) ; 

Note: You will notice that a lot of people use the arroba ("@") to omit errors, but it can cause a huge headache in a situation where you need to find the errors and they do not appear because they are omitted. It would be like this:

echo  @($_GET["email"]); 

Read more about using or not using arroba ("@") at: Why do they say using @arroba to suppress errors is a bad practice?


there are ways to avoid the appearance of this error message, but, I do not know for sure the focus of its application that is developing, a good practice is the validation of data entry, which can be done both in HTML, JS or PHP, how you are performing a simple submission using the attribute action, I recommend that you already validate HTML, thus:

<form method="post" action="" >
    <input type="email" name="email" required />

One more thing I noticed is that by your description you are sending data with the method POST and is using the supervariable $_GET[], what is wrong, the right is if method GET soon $_GET[], or if method POST soon $_POST[] .


Use the function filter_input, she gets a constant INPUT_GET or INPUT_POST:

echo filter_input(FILTER_POST, 'email');

this function also allows you to apply filters on the variable read, see more information on Types of filter (documentation page without translation)

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