Error in Maproute configuration


Viewed 17 times


The following error is returned to me:

The Parameters Dictionary contains a null entry for Parameter 'numerodeserie' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32' for method 'System.Web.Mvc.Actionresult Equipment(System.String, System.String, Int32, Int32)' in 'SCO.Controllers.Equipmentscontroller'

The configuration of my Maproute, I do so:

 name: "EquipamentosTrafego",
 url: "Equipamentos/{cidadecod}/{contratocod}/Trafego/{filtro}",
 defaults: new
    controller = "Equipamentos",
    action = "EquipamentosTrafego"

And in my View I try to access it that way:

<td align="center">
<div class="list-group-item">
     <a href="/Equipamentos/@item.cidadecod/@item.contratocod/Trafego/OFF">
           <span class="badge" style="font-size: 18px; background-color:@item.totaleqpson_stts">@item.totaleqpson</span>

What is wrong ?

1 answer


Solved. I had another Maproute configured that was being referenced. I put this Maproute after the new Maproute:

       name: "EquipamentosTrafego",
       url: "Equipamentos/{cidadecod}/{contratocod}/Trafego/{filtro}",
       defaults: new
           controller = "Equipamentos",
           action = "EquipamentosTrafego"

Maproute that gave conflict, placed after:

      name: "Equipamento",
      url: "Equipamentos/{cidadecod}/{contratocod}/{numerodeserie}/{faixa}",
      defaults: new
          controller = "Equipamentos",
          action = "Equipamento"

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