GULPFILE permission error


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inserir a descrição da imagem aquiHe was asking me to update my CLI.

  • I updated my line;
  • I tried to update my Ionic lib and gave error and now I can’t access my application.
  • Have you ever tried to give permission to this file ?

  • I gave permission to the whole folder but it seems that it recreates this file every time it compiles. Because if the whole folder is allowed from the . config was supposed to be accessible isn’t it? @1fabiopereira

  • The correct would be for the file to be with permission, but only for ease of consciousness try in both ways assigning permission to every folder with: sudo chmod 777 -R /home/Henrique/. config if this does not resolve try sudo chmod 777 /home/Henrique/. config/configstore/Bower-github.json

  • @1fabiopereira but I use this command before the directory . config or in it right? anyway I will try here.

  • Got some result?

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