Separate code regions using Sublime Text 3


Viewed 107 times


In the Visual Studio there is a resource called Directive #Region , a resource that collects and hides code sections.


static void Main(string[] args)
            #region MyRegion1 
            //My code Here
            #endregion MyRegion1

            #region MyRegion2
            //My code Here
            #endregion MyRegion2

            #region MyRegion3
            //My code Here
            #endregion MyRegion3


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Is there a similar feature for Sublime Text 3 ?

1 answer


Stringnome, the same feature is available in Sublime Text 3.

The difference in usage is that the sublime only identifies blocks of code with the # in front if the line identifying the block (#block) is not indented.

I tested it here and it worked!

  • kkkkk guy to tell the truth I hadn’t tried to hueheue , but I also saw that there is a feature called code Folding even so thank you.

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