Innodb and Myisam generating Table already exists error


Viewed 385 times


I am reformulating some screens of my system that, entirely, uses Myisam as Mysql Engine. In this case, these screens will use Innodb after reformulation.

Excludes, by Phpmyadmin, all tables Myisam in question and until then perfect, there were no problems. However, when trying to create the new tables Innodb (with the same name) appears the following message:

Table already exists

What to do?

Example: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 4

    Add a little more visual information, show the table not existing, the phpMyAdmin error, something so we can try to find the source of the error.

  • 1

    I added, Filipe! :-)

2 answers


Find the folder where the database files are and remove them:

Select @@datadir

Access the folder returned by select enter the corresponding database and delete the. MYD, . FRM and MYI files. Remember that you need to disconnect the mysql service for this task. Finally run a SHOW TABLES and try to create the tables again.

Based on : Location of database Tables mysql windows Xp

related : Schrodinger mysql table

  • Thanks, you lost! I tried what you said, but it still didn’t work! :-)


Follow the solution for anyone who might have the same problem. If someone else has a more practical solution, please do not stop posting (I had tested several solutions over the Internet that did not work).

Criar no BD original, as tabelas que ainda não existem mas com a engine como MyISAM.
Criar um novo BD com todas as tabelas desejadas com engine InnoDB.
Desligar MySQL.
Remover os arquivos das tabelas do BD original.
Copiar os arquivos das tabelas do novo BD para o BD original.
Definir mysql.mysql como proprietário dos arquivos das tabelas copiadas no BD original.
Conceder permissão 755 para os mesmos arquivos.
Iniciar o MySQL.

I read something about it being a dictionary mistake. :-)

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