Javascript API Requests


Viewed 93 times


I am using the Javascript API in my Cloud. I have several different doors with the application of each client, in the end I have something more or less like this: and

As described in this link we have news about API policies:

For apps created on or after June 22, 2016

All new Omains or Developer Console API Projects created on or after June 22, 2016, are Subject to the updated policies and Limits, as described above and on our Pricing and Plans page.

First I would like to understand if the usage limits are based on the Keys I place on the call in each client’s application or on my Cloud IP. I say this because I am hitting the limit use for free plan, which covers 25 thousand requests/day.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Secondly, I would like to know if there is any request log, something I can consult to see if the limit is being reached because of user use or because of some problem. In my application I use the API to get the address auto-fill and also to calculate the distance in KM from one point to another and also to open a map marked point A and point B for departure address and destination address. Each of these items (auto complete, distance calculation, chart marks) is treated as a different request?

If the requests are computed by key and not by IP, I’m considering creating an intermediary service that will receive the key of the client application and return the results, so I will have everything more organized and generic. My problem is not to pass on a cost or absorb, it is to understand how it is computed and think of a way to organize it.

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