Black background in the application


Viewed 162 times


I’m having a problem, one of the pages of my application (for iPhone 4s this problem is on all pages), has a black background behind all the content, when I do the iPhone Bounce (touch dragging down then up, beyond the screen limit) on iPhone 4s this problem also appears between the Divs and the Gapdebug I can’t see where it is set.

I’m using Cordova 6.3.1.

I’ve tried the following:

The Status Bar Style Light option in the Xcode,

<preference name="StatusBarStyle" value="lightcontent" />

<preference name="StatusBarOverlaysWebView" value="false" />

<preference name="StatusBarBackgroundColor" value="#c0c0c0" />

but nothing changes it, follow the screenshots:

This is the default and correct screen on iPhone 5+, the overscroll is with the correct color that is defined by body css

On another page, also running on iPhone 5+ when I give the Bouce(overscroll) appears the black background

On iPhone 4S appears the black background between the Divs even on the home screen

And in Bounce (overscroll) too

The problem is that in iPhone 5+ the black background in the overscroll only happens on one page of the application, in the other is gray standard (

PS: I can’t put more than 2 links in my post because my reputation is less than 10.

  • I’ve never had this kind of problem, but I can’t imagine anything other than css, because the default color of the browser body is white, at least most is white. If you can post css too

  • I already tested, if I inspect for Gapdebug, nowhere says the background is set to black.

1 answer



I was looking for some class that defined the black that appeared, black or #000000, but actually what I was defining somehow was a CSS class that was being inserted by another Javascript library that I used.

.app-content {

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