How to use the same Sqllite BD with java and Cordova?


Viewed 121 times


Can I use the same BD using Java and Cordova? Ex: access data with Cordova in a java-based BD.

1 answer


Yes, you can access the Cordova database file through native Android Java, for this you must understand that Cordova uses a version of W3C Web SQL Database, which is basically an implementation for Webkit, it is worth remembering that Cordova implements a database if the device does not have such functionality.

Well, knowing this you can access the database through native Java for Android for this just implement a way to read the SQL Web file. It is located in

/data/data/{package name}/app_database/file__0/0000000000000001.db

Do some tests to make sure the file is at the right place.

To implement a way to open the SQL Web database recommend that you read the specifications in the W3C by clicking on this link or look for the native Cordova plugin to handle Web SQL DB.

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