change output type to currency


Viewed 537 times


I have a code that gives me two columns, Expense and Total, what I can not get is that in the output of the totals it gives me in currency format (R $ 1,000,00). the code is this:

SELECT    nome_evento AS Despesa, SUM(saida_caixa) AS total
FROM      genius.caixa
LEFT JOIN genius.eventos ON = id_despesa
WHERE     `data_caixa` BETWEEN "2016-07-29" AND "2016-08-30"
AND       `saida_caixa`!= 0
GROUP BY  id_despesa;

1 answer


It is unclear which of the columns you want to apply formatting to, so I’ll show you a generic shape:

SELECT FORMAT(12332.2, 2,'pt_BR');

The result is 12332,20. (Without the points)


Explaining better

The first parameter is the value, the second is the number of decimals. The third is optional, where you can set the locality.
In the example I applied the site to Brazilian Portuguese.

In your case I assume it would look like this:

FORMAT(SUM(saida_caixa), 2,'pt_BR') AS total


I don’t know where you want to display the data, but if you are going to display it on an HTML page, I suggest thinking about leaving the processing cost to the client, with Javascript. See this link: /a/81554/4793

I emphasize that it is a superficial suggestion and does not mean that it is the best form nor the only one. The best form depends on each case.

  • The result is without the point.

  • 1

    If the locale pt_BR does not work you can try with the de_DE, in this test here seems to me equivalent to the format pt_BR, at least in number formatting.

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